Rock on…

Shooting rock bands, classical musicians, folksingers, lounge singers, comedians, groups, and soloists is the “cool” part of the biz. In the eighties I think I shot pretty well every major band in town. We have rented the studio to Brian Adams for a photo shoot and to the Rolling Stones for a video. Way back I did the official photography for the Bowie tour and for Rod Stewart’s Production company. Oddly enough, I chatted with Alanis Morissette in my studio and didn’t even take a snap of her… Gene Simmons and Shannon…well, thats another story.

These days you need a very strong image to make it as a musician whatever your style may be.
It’s an investment that entertainers are generally not very serious about…at the expense of their own career. It seems most spend more on their monthly cell phone bills that their promo…oh well.

Here is a link to some of the rest of this recent shoot… http://www.musicalprayers.ca/
FYI, my own tastes lean to John Legend, Peter Gabriel, Alanis and Annie Lennox.
