Ottawa Wedding Photography Prices.


Comparing photography portfolios in Ottawa is tough enough, but when you add pricing to the mix on a purchase that you are not familiar with, the task becomes even more difficult. Here are a couple of thoughts from having survived and thrived for over 35 years in the business.
All photographers base their price on the time spent shooting and editing no matter how you slice it. The more talented and organized a photographer, the less post production and the lower the fee. Simply put, an experienced pro is actually less expensive than a newbie and will provide a better product per dollar.
Comparing portfolios online is tricky, since, frankly even a newbie can come up with a couple of dozen shots and load them on a FB page. The test of a real pro is whether they can nail that coming down the aisle shot, pick up on the style of the wedding and capture that creative angle every time.
The end price is but one part of the negotiation with a photographer. Delivery times, service, style and dependability all play a part.
Oddly enough, when comparing prices, we think the first thing you should do is look at referrals and then see how that photographer can come up with a package that fits your budget. A talented photographer at your wedding for 6 hours is a better investment than a part timer at your wedding for 12hours….
Enjoy your search…and feel free to ask away. We have fulltime staff ready to answer your questions on the phone or online.




