This was a quick little engagement shoot of two MDs from Toronto who were posted in Ottawa for the spring. I wanted to give them some shots that were a nice souvenir of their time in the capital…
Shooting business headshots is something we do a lot of…its great to meet the execs and create marketing
images that reflect their personalities.
Dropped by The Loft for a few shots of the contestants at the Tulip Festival Hair Competition…
For the whole shoot…go to
Since I posted these last fall, it seems like everyone in town has been shooting engagement shots at country fairs…oh well…they say that imitation is a form of flattery…lol.
Here is an outtake from the shoot I did with Sommer Mbonu for my main splash page cinemagraph. The makeup was over the top…thx Sommer.
This is one of my shots from the Richard Robinson Fashion Show that will be featured in Ottawa`s Capital Style Magazine this month…pick up a copy for the whole spread.