Minister John McCallum Ottawa Business Headshot Portrait

My office manager swears that I stay in the photography business just because of the fascinating conversations I get to have with interesting people. Minister John McCallum and I had a great chat about Immigration and some good laughs about the fact that he is one of the most qualified guys in Cabinet to deal with the economy…For the record…I am a supporter of our Immigration policies…as we came to this country as immigrants in 1655 fleeing religious persecution.
If I have heard the phrase, “I`m not photogenic” once, I have heard it a thousand times. It seems to be increasing in a time when lowest quote jobs are the order of the day…no surprise. Everyone deserves a great portrait. More so if you use it to represent your cause, your party or your company.
As they say…dare to compare.

Minister John McCallumMinister John McCallum portraitJohn McCallum headshot photographer

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